Wednesday 18 May 2011

10th Spell - Full Moon Picnic

Earlier I had blogged about finding a perfect spot to perform spells and rituals at.

...Turns out the real perfect spot was actually to the right of it.

While the spot was open and beautiful, perhaps it was too open. When we walked further right, there was another open area, much closer to the lake water, and shrouded by more trees. We decided to use that instead. Not that I minded.

So, that night (under the full moon!), Lore made some delicious apple-cinnamon muffins, brewed some tea, and after collecting that and some water bottles, a shovel, some towels and flashlights in buckets, we headed out into the woods at night, down the trail. Lore walked in front. I followed.

At first, with the moon so bright and the flash lights (and of course Lore with me), I felt perfectly fine. I didn't feel frightened or anything, and I listened to the animal noises and night sounds as we moved through the woods. It was rather calming.

But then I got the feeling that... something was following me.

I started shuffling closer to Lore, but luckily by the time I started getting paranoid, we had made it to the clearing and I felt instantly better. We started setting up camp, so to speak, and collected what we needed to get everything going. I gathered the twigs and dead grass while Lore began making the campsite, piling dirt and rocks into a smooth area and then busting out her tender and lighters...because she just loves lighters.

Remember this?

And it begins! The first flames.

While the full moon and beautiful, suddenly wind started coming in, trying to put out our fire.

“Control your element, Soull,” Lore joked, plopping down in front of the fire while I started collecting more twigs and grass. We struggled for a bit to keep it aflame for a bit against the wind, however, eventually the fire was too strong for the wind to just put out. We did it!

Afterwards, we sat and chatted, ate the muffins and drank tea, and stared up at the full moon.

I thanked our patron gods and goddesses for the perfect night and to bless the space for the future. Lore thanked Kwan-Yin in specific for our venture through the woods (he is known to be a god of protection, amongst other things).

Once we watched the embers of the fire die, we packed everything up, and headed back. A very lovely night. I feel rather good about the new spot. I think it will be a wonderful place for us, and any other witch who wants to join in.

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