While flipping through news feeds on the internet, AOL News posted a very interesting article that I thought was worth mentioning.
Witchcraft is a very interesting subject; there's something about it that makes it very interchangeable to the user, depending on their beliefs. The ability to have a choice in the patron deities the God and Goddess represent to you can hold a sort of power to the person. Like in Christianity when people pray to the saints, the patron God and Goddess of the individual's choosing invoke perhaps the same feeling of spiritual gratification--you feel as if someone is taking the time to hear a prayer.
However, one of the biggest subjects on Witchcraft to those whom don't know better is its association with the Devil or Satan. Now, the Wiccan religion doesn't believe in the Devil. But one cannot casually toss aside that the usage of "demonic" or "satanic" symbols aren't what someone could consider a curse.
While some people may or may not believe in magick, people are still very aware when they are being cursed, and there is still come fear behind it. After all, whether using the Devil as your advocate or any other type of invoked magickal deity, a curse is still Witchcraft, and thus we still continue to be haunted by this time-old visage of dancing skyclad around a bonfire and sacrificing our cats.
The article outlines an incident at a Walmart that's perhaps close by to where I live; the story takes place in Fort Worth, TX. A woman only known as "Jessica" in the article, tells that when she picked up her car from the auto department of a Walmart after an oil change, a kind associate alerted her of the markings on the underside of her car. In bright blue was 666, and upside-down cross, and an upside down pentagram. Jessica has a feeling of who it was, and the company has apparently reached out to her in this incident.
She even worries if its a curse, which is understandable. Words, feelings, and symbols all have power in their own right. I wonder if she was able to wash it off, or if its stuck on the underside of her car? And if so... does she still feel comfortable driving it?
You can check out the article and video here, while AOL News still has it up.
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